Feedback on "To Be a Weed" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "To Be a Weed"

March 2, 2017
By VincenzoSurace SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
VincenzoSurace SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“To Be a Weed,” by Michelle M. is a moving  story that can be related to by everyone around the world. Everybody, at one point in our lives, has felt that they don't belong. Whether it be with friends, classmates, sports teams, or even your own family. We have a longing to be surrounded by other people, no matter if it's a tag - along, or a leader, we want to be with them. Michelle dealt with being a social outcast due to her height and activity with other people. She felt like she never belonged, a moved from one group of friends to another. In one, she was simply a “leech,” and followed the other children around. When the rejection finally came, she found another group, but they were friends this time.

A few years ago, I started playing soccer on a new travel team. The league we played in had age cutoffs August 1st. Anyone before that date had to play with the age group older than them. I was constantly outplayed by the older kids and felt alone. My self -esteem was at an all time low and I wanted to quit playing soccer. I thought that I had no place being surrounded by my teammates and felt like leaving the team. I became an outcast, but I refused to follow the other children. I didn't want to make friends, and I didn't want to converse with other people.

But every situation like this always ends happily. A group of friends is always found in the end, and everyone is brought up to their happy place.

Thank you Michelle for sharing your experience with the world, and showing people that there will always be hope for them, no matter what situation they might be in

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