White Wine | Teen Ink

White Wine

January 30, 2017
By itzkiarayo BRONZE, Lowell, Massachusetts
itzkiarayo BRONZE, Lowell, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I started reading “White Wine“ by “Sylvia“ I couldn’t believe what I had just read. How can someone so young deal with this? Knowing that this will affect the author when she’s older is horrendous. Her mother is suppose to be her best friend but made her be the mother to her. When the author wrote, “I begin to wonder if it’s genetic. What if I can never get rid of the smell of alcohol? What if my kids smell it like I do, and their kids after that? I scrub harder. It must be in my blood. I feel like I can never escape it. I will never escape it”. It’s sad how a mother can make her daughter feel like there’s no way to escape the smell of alcohol because she would constantly drink. Knowing each time she got older and knew her mom was getting drunk affected her as a kid and now it will affect her as a woman and a one day as a mother.

It reminds me of when I was young and my aunt would constantly drink and every time she took a sip she would start to cry and talk about how she wishes her mom was alive. I felt the connection with the author's story because I’ve seen it myself. Watching her get drink after drink after drink, wondering if she will just stop and get tired eventually.

This made me realize that we all go through something and we shouldn't be ashamed of it. I hope in the future your mom will get better and that you will get through this one day.

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