Feedback on Give Him a Chance | Teen Ink

Feedback on Give Him a Chance

January 19, 2017
By KarateJoe SILVER, Brooklyn , New York
KarateJoe SILVER, Brooklyn , New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Give Him a Chance” by Hannah P. reflects on Donald Trump being our next president. Even though I am too young to vote, I was fully aware of the changes present in America. I admit that like many others, Trump seemed like a horrible choice to lead the country.

Hannah, on the other hand, argues that we cannot just hate on him. She explains that “Donald Trump has won. It’s time to accept that.” She reassures the readers that “This is America. We are a democracy. No one gets all the power, not even the president.” Short sentences like these give a strong point of view in a simple way. However, Hannah also explains that America needs to stay united in order to stand against this time of need.

Before reading this article, I was able to realize that we needed to at least allow Trump to act before judging on how bad he could be. Reading through this only strengthened this belief further and made me recognize that he didn't have full power over the people. It’s only four years, and if we really hate him, we can hope the next president does a better job. People shouldn't be taking politics too seriously, but should keep thinking about the wellbeing of our country at the same time. As Hillary Clinton said, “Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.”

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