An Overwhelming Moment | Teen Ink

An Overwhelming Moment

November 9, 2016
By Teresa.C SILVER, Glendale, Arizona
Teresa.C SILVER, Glendale, Arizona
6 articles 5 photos 0 comments

I can relate to Kaya Langlois when she wrote her story An Overwhelming Moment. She describes how stressed she feels with all her homework she has to do, and she just has to much on her plate. I agree with Kaya when she says that because with all the work she has she can't be going outside to enjoy the day. I can relate to when she states she doesn't know when she will finish her work, or if she will even finish it. Kaya is trying to express that students have to much work to do, and it just causes so much stress to most students. Thank you so much Kaya for your story about how so much work makes you feel, and many students would be able to relate to your conflict. 

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