Sight Lines | Teen Ink

Sight Lines

October 12, 2016
By mack3nzi3_ros3 GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
mack3nzi3_ros3 GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sight Lines by Ophelia Hiney is the type of story that keeps you wanting more. We watch a girl named Maurice test a visor that lets the user see people you would not see immediately, and a suit that renders you soundless. After “incorrectly” stating there are 12 people in the room with her, she is told to run the test again, which produces the same results as the first time. When she is talking to the team of scientists about what she saw, she sees another figure show up on the visor. Maurice then remarks how the visor is making a mistake, and that it’s showing else still in the room with her. The reader finally learns that only 11 men were sent down to the room. The story ends there, and I, for one, feel the need for closure! Who is the 12th man? What happens to Maurice? 
I enjoyed the humorous personality of Maurice. Her wit while talking to Derek, one of the scientists, makes the reader enjoy having her as our narrator, and we watch her have fun with the scientific equipment, rather than go into a deep analysis of her experience and surroundings. I also enjoyed the hint of horror the story provided, as we near Halloween, the spookiest time of year. While Maurice seems to be fun loving, she is also a little naïve, as she doesn’t suspect anything is wrong. The reader, however, picks up on hints from the scientists that something is off.  The story states “’Are you sure you counted twelve?’ His tone made Maurice shiver with something other than cold.” The scientists clearly show that she counted wrong and are skeptical of something, even if we don’t know what they are skeptical of.  This story was a bone-chilling thriller that I would most definitely enjoy to read more of!

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