Feedback on "Unarranged" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Unarranged"

April 9, 2016
By noserp GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
noserp GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Unarranged" by Devjani Paul, is a powerful fiction piece, showing the struggle for freedom and control over their own lives that many girls face today due to culture and traditions. In the story, Aruhi is forced into an arranged marriage with a man she doesn't even know. Her parents and the man's family believe that it's a woman's duty to cook for the man and take care of the household. Aruhi doesn't think it's fair that she has to abandon her family and aspirations for becoming a lawyer, while the man gets to continue his job and gains a wife to cook and serve him. Despite her boldness and defiance against tradition, Aruhi is still forced into the marriage.


Though this piece is fiction, it is the life of many girls living in America today. In a country known for freedom and equality, years after women gained their rights and were regarded on the same level as men, it is simply outrageous that women are still resticted of their rights to education and marriage. Like Aruhi says, "Women are in the government. They are doctors and engineers, not just housewives who agree with everything their husbands say." Women deserve to make their own choices in life and should not be bound by the will of their family and old customs.

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