Feedback On The Crash | Teen Ink

Feedback On The Crash

March 1, 2016
By Maria_The_TMNT GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
Maria_The_TMNT GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 “The Crash” by Mikayla Amaral was about a car accident that she got into on her first day of driving her new car.  Almost immediately, this piece stirred up feelings of concern and sympathy for what she had to experience.  Although I have never been in a car accident, I was able to get a sense of what the terrible situation was like.
The piece made me realize how quickly life can turn on you, especially when you least expect it.  This is shown in the sentence, “one second I was driving and singing, and the next thing I remember, the airbags had exploded and the awful smell of burnt rubber filled the car with charcoal gray smoke”.  Not only is this sentence is extremely descriptive but it also shows how in an instant everything can be turned upside down.  Overall, the piece was very powerful and well written.

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