Feedback on A Desperate Guy's Guide to Promposal | Teen Ink

Feedback on A Desperate Guy's Guide to Promposal

February 3, 2016
By greninjash GOLD, New York City, New York
greninjash GOLD, New York City, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"A Desperate Guy's Guide to Promposal" by Joe Rodri Raleigh is very relatable to teenage boys. In this memoir, Joe devised a master plan to try and ask a girl to go to the prom with him. He had been building a solid relationship with her all year and made plans for a dramatic proposal. However, she had decided to go with somebody else and declined. 

If most other guys found themselves in such a situation, they probably would've spent the rest of the day moping away in their dark bedroom, listening to sad music. But not Joe. Even though all his effort was in vain, he still tried to understand and learn something from it. The girl Joe liked chose another guy because he was gay, and she simply didn't want to go out with him. Joe also figured out that nothing is ever guaranteed in life and took the rejection surprisingly well. This is something not only teenage boys should remember, but people of all ages and both genders. We shouldn't take loss too seriously and just move on. If we dwell on the past too long, we will never progress into the future. Joe shares a valuable moral with clever witticisms and eloquent reasoning. 

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