Heart of Haiti | Teen Ink

Heart of Haiti

January 27, 2016
By Joey1 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Joey1 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

      I can certanly relate to you Macy Maraugh in your article, "Heart of Haiti".  Some people don't realize that simple objects can have a big meaning in your life, and for you that simple object is your key chain.  I personally have a simple object of my own, a tiny glass cross, given to me by my neighbor for First Communion. The tiny cross seams insignificant but the truth is it holds many memories, like your key chain Macy.  I was close to my neighbor, and she has sence past away. I still have the cross sitting on my desk and with it the days I spent working in my yard with my neighbor and getting payed in pieces of candy.

      Some people buy expensive souvenniers and pay lots of money to have them.  This is why I am impressed by you Macy you found a way to remember your trip from something so insignificant, a key chain.  It is like you said, "My key chain may seem unimportant among all the other items I carry, but it represents a lot to me".  You turned something ordanary into something remarkable. I would, however, like to make the point that a minor object can hold much more than the memories of a trip but also memories of family friends, and loved ones, such as in my story.  I truly am pleased Macy, you found a way to show people that you shouldn't overlook the humble belongings you own, they may actually be quite memorable.

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