Toxic Masculinity: Why Big Boys Don’t Cry | Teen Ink

Toxic Masculinity: Why Big Boys Don’t Cry MAG

January 6, 2016
By greninjash GOLD, New York City, New York
greninjash GOLD, New York City, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The moment I saw the cover of the January magazine, I was instantly intrigued. It showed a man shielding his face with a book. Next to that were the words “Toxic Masculinity: Why Big Boys Don’t Cry.” I immediately searched the table of contents for the article; I had to read it for myself.

This article was as relatable as it could get, that is, if you’re male like me. Yes, I have heard it a thousand times that women are more emotional than men. I never believed that for one second. It insinuated that we males didn’t know how to feel in different scenarios. It felt like an insult to me, like we were genetically born heartless. I’m glad that scientific facts have debunked this myth. It’s true that we men have been taught to mask our emotions. As I like to say, we don’t show emotion if there is nothing to provoke a feeling. That is especially true in martial arts, where it is seen as weakness and lack of self-control.

I was not disappointed by Callie Zimmerman’s article in the least. Not only does she explain where the idea came from, she also points out the invalidity of it with scientific evidence. She demonstrates how unhealthy bottling up emotions can be to a man’s mind. This article sends a powerful message we must all heed to improve our society. Only then will this evil stereotype fade for good.

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