Remembering for the Future | Teen Ink

Remembering for the Future

December 2, 2015
By PeaceHope123 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
PeaceHope123 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the writing called “Remembering for the Future” written by Adrian R., I felt that his writing about how his grandfather used to tell him stories about his service in the military left me realizing that there are so many stories that are a part of history that were not shared with the world.  At the end of the first paragraph, he said, “ Today, I lost my grandfather. But I have not lost his history” (Rivera).  Even though his grandfather is no longer with him, his grandfather’s stories will live on through the author.  I lost my great grandfather, and I miss him everyday.  I don’t remember him telling me any of his stories, but I learned them from my family.  In the last conversation he had with his grandfather, he said, “he proceeded to tell me stories I had never heard before” (Rivera).  He was able to, without knowing, hear more stories of his grandfather’s military service one last time.  I wish I had been so lucky. Many members of my family fought in wars, however, I didn’t know or hear their stories until later in life.  I guess that there are reasons that we hear or do not hear these stories. These stories can help to show the times in the war that were full of danger, family and new friendships.  I hope that someday we are all able to share these stories with our friends and take these stories with us to remind ourselves that everyone has a story worth sharing.

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