Feedback on "Shades of Bias" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Shades of Bias"

December 9, 2015
By Satsuki SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Satsuki SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

       "Shades of Bias" by Sanjana Kaicker talks about prejudice of skin color.  The writer expresses her opinion on this topic by telling us about a situation that is currently happening in India.  There is skin-whitening product that had sky-rocketed in that country.  The thing is that this product is also promoting racism by demonstrating that having fairer skin is better than dark skin.  In ads for this product they show how a dark-skinned person wasn't able to get a job because of her skin color.  When she used the product, her skin color became lighter, and she also succeeded in getting the job.  The author really is able to demonstrate how serious the situation of racism and prejudice is, especially in India.  This made understand more about our society and how serious racism could be.

        This piece made me seriously think about our world and society.  In this world, we always judge others for their appearance and we try to make people look like how we want to.  The writer explains how this product promotes racism, because in its ads, it demonstrates how having fairer skin is better than having darker skin.  Racism isn't the only thing.  Another thing that I realized was that some people will go to any extent to be accepted by others.  In the article it states, "Some argue that using the fairness cream is worth any risk, as long as they gain acceptance and a higher salary. However, for those who choose not to use it or don’t have access to it – the larger part of dark-skinned society – the prejudice against dark skin shames them."  This shows that people always care about what the majority thinks about them.  With this piece I was able to realize how ones appearance can affect so much more than a person's feelings.  Sometimes, something as small as ones skin color, can drive others to feel shameful about themselves and also drive them to do careless things just to be accepted.

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