Black Sheep | Teen Ink

Black Sheep

December 9, 2015
By Lmaokai GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
Lmaokai GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Black Sheep,” a wonderfully-written piece, discusses a common, but wrongful opinion many people in the modern world hold. In this article, Amelia Duke addresses how society tends to envision words having to do with homosexuality as a big joke. Amelia uses her peers as an example; she constantly exposed to people who use words, such as “gay” and “lesbian,” in her school to offend others. However, she does not share the same points of view as her immature peers, making feel like a “black sheep in a herd of pure white lambs,” of which I can relate to.
I’ve learned from intelligent others that sexual identity is not something to joke about. I have also come to believe that there is nothing wrong with being attracted to the same gender. Similarly, Amelia states, “No. I don’t need to defend myself against something that's not offensive,” when her friend asks if she is going to defend herself in response to people calling her a “lesbian” because of her hair length. We are all different and instead of making fun of other’s differences, we should learn to accept them. It disgusts me that there are individuals around me that believe being homosexual is either disgraceful or an offense to mankind. In actuality, the ones who are really disgraceful are homophobes and those who throw the word “gay” around to insult another like a toy when they can hurt so many. Amelia’s article really made me think about our society as a whole and hopefully impacted others like how it did to me.

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