Feedback on Black Sheep | Teen Ink

Feedback on Black Sheep

December 9, 2015
By mustafahayder2002 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
mustafahayder2002 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm not perfect; no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. I think you try to learn from those mistakes."

~Derek Jeter

People in my community make taunts about someone else being homosexual. It's amost used as if it were a way to make fun of someone. Some kid would go, "Hey, stop being gay," It is almost as if these kids are throwing around that word as if it has no meaning. In our community, people may say they are open to gays and lesbians, but in reality, it is as if those gays and lesbians are aliens and should not be able to walk with us like normal humans. I can relate to what the author is trying to say in this article.

In the article, the narrator's friend asks her if she isn't going to lash out at a group of kids who just insulted her by calling her a lesbian. The narrator responds with," No. I don't need to defend myself against something that's not offensive," This is showing that the author doesn't take an offense to being called something she isn't. She knows she'll have to stand up for a minority that isn't well accepted. The author later goes on to state, "Hate is a toxic, and like a disease, it spreads fast." This quote by the author goes on to show that we, as a community, are hating upon a group of people who want to live a normal life, who are just attracted to their own kind, just because of a few homophobes who are anti-gay.

We have to be a big family and accept everyone for who they are. Homosexuals and straights is like religion: we have to accept all types of people because even if they are all different, they are still normal people at the end of the day. The final word is, just because someone likes people of their own gender, they are still human and they still have feelings.  

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