Feedback on Ice Princess | Teen Ink

Feedback on Ice Princess

December 9, 2015
By SnowflakeStar GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
SnowflakeStar GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     "Ice Princess" by Judith Chicoine is an amazing sports piece about a really popular winter sport, ice skating. Here in the piece, the writer writes about her experience with ice skating when she was a little girl and her reflection on it looking back at her previous experiences.In this piece she writes that as a young child, she looked up to Michelle Trachtenburg who played Casey Carlyle in the movie "Ice Princess" and how she dreamed to be just like her.

     In the piece, the author also writes about her determination in learning ice skating because she looked up to Casey Carlyle in "Ice Princess." She recieved numerous lessons and eventually became the teacher in the place where she learned the sport that she loves. She says in her piece that her students would ask her to execute jumps and spins for them and their parents wold thank her for inspiring their children. "I never knew that my students viewed me as someone to look up to, and in that  moment, I realized that I had become their Casey Carlyle," This shows how she finally realized that just like she had someone to look up to, she could be the person that people look up to. "The blue dress will always travel with me as I grow, a reminder that passion should be shared. After all, you never know who you might inspire." These lines show that people should just do what they love with a passion because just as you may be inspired by someone, one day, someone may be inspired by you.

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