Ending 10 Yeara of Silence | Teen Ink

Ending 10 Yeara of Silence

November 9, 2015
By @Danny_Vega SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
@Danny_Vega SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate to Alexandra Silva's memoir, "Ending 10 Years of Silence". Not to long ago, I underwent something similar, but a little different. However, I do understand what it feels like to keep something like that locked up inside of you; it eats you up inside. I live how Alexandra is so strong, how she is "thankful for such an atrocious thing. [She is] stronger now because of it, and [she] can help others who have gone through similar situations." She got one thing right; helping others with similar situations. Alexandra has surely inspired many teens including myself to tell someone about it and found a way to use a horrible experience to make you stronger. Thank you Alexandra! Thanks for being brave enough to talk about an event from your life that is not so easy to say to others.

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