Feedback on "Living With Asperger's" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Living With Asperger's"

November 5, 2015
By noserp GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
noserp GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Living with Asperger's" by Brianna Arsenault is an inspirational and eye-opening piece that keeps readers who don't know much about Asperger's Syndrome intrigued. The author has an Asperger's brother and tells about his difficulties and what it is like to live with him. Gabe struggles with social interaction, making friends and obsessive, violent thoughts that he is not able to control. The author explains how the whole family is working with him and how he's slowly making progress.  Some people are insensitive to kids who are on the spectrum because they seem different, but this article makes readers sympathize with Brianna's brother and helps them to get a better understanding of what kids with Asperger's go through.

Even though her brother is different from the "norm" this does not affect Brianna's opinion of him in any way. She does not see her brother as disabled and believes that people with Asperger's can often "accomplish more work of better quality than their 'neurotypical' peers." I strongly agree with this viewpoint. It takes all types to make the world and what a boring world it would be if everyone was "normal". Everyone can contribute to society in different ways and no one should be rejected because of a disorder that they were born with and cannot control. Nothing represents this better than the brilliant quote that the author included at the end of her piece: "If I could snap my fingers and be non-autistic, I would not. Autism is a part of who I am."-Temple Grandim. Everyone was born differently and we all have traits that others don't have but we must learn to accept each other. This is the uplifting message that I have learned from this article. 

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