Feedback on "Ending 10 Years of Silence" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Ending 10 Years of Silence"

November 5, 2015
By jodih SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
jodih SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     Telling seemingly shameful secrets is extremely heart-wrenching. Many people suppress the secret, and it takes time to open up. Author Alexandra Silva captures this flawlessly in her memoir, “Ending 10 Years of Silence.” Alexandra was molested when she was only four years old. Looking back on the event ten years later, she was reluctant to notify her loved ones, and never seemed to gather enough courage to speak up.
     Not only does Alexandra relate to the reader because everyone has had a secret they are afraid to reveal, but she also teaches a very valuable lesson. In the memoir, she states, “I am coming to terms with what happened. Some days are great, some days are terrible, but after every day comes a new day… I will not let my past define me but rather use it to guide me in the future.” Alexandra is addressing how every day is a renewed day, and is emphasizing that the past should not haunt you, but rather benefit you.

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