The Bumblebee Necklace | Teen Ink

The Bumblebee Necklace

October 26, 2015
By PeaceHope123 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
PeaceHope123 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the writing titled “The Bumblebee Necklace” by Honor I felt that her writing about how her parents gave her a bumblebee necklace for her thirteenth birthday and it helped to make her challenge and not feel sorry for herself made me wonder how many people have to go through diseases like cerebral palsy do try to fight it.  When she was born, her parents found out that she had cerebral palsy; it caused her to have an unusual walk, muscle tautness and a shunt was needed to drain her brain fluid so blood could pass.  When she received the necklace, she said “it has quickly become a staple of my personality and a sweet reminder on tough days”.  She wants to be able to prove that she is still able to move around and that she is stronger than others truly believe her to be.  When she wore the bee necklace, it reminded her that she “could be just as capable as these new peers, and I didn’t have to be bothered by their stares”.  She was worried about how the middle school students would stare at her because she walked differently.  However, with the bee necklace her father chose for her, she knew she was no different from them and that she would apply herself to show them that.  She also knew that even if they did stare or make fun of her she would not care about what they had to say since they probably had no clue as to what type of person she was.  Near the end, she stated that the bee necklace is “a reminder of the struggles I’ve gone through and how much I have overcome”.  This necklace has helped her to see how much she has been through and that she has been able to make it so far.  The necklace has helped her to believe in herself and to dream.  To her, the necklace is a symbol of hope that a person can overcome any type of handicap and be able to have dreams.

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