Fanatics and their Fandoms | Teen Ink

Fanatics and their Fandoms

September 23, 2015
By dauntlessannie GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
dauntlessannie GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was thrilled when the September issue of Teen Ink mentioned the words “fandoms and fanatics”. “Fanatics and their Fandoms” by Kasey Smith was a relatable article about people and their obsessions. Smith explains what a fandom is and how one may become a fanatic. She also speaks about the positive and negative aspects of being in a fandom. Being in multiple fandoms, I could definitely see her point throughout her article.
When I was reading the article, I couldn’t help but smile and make references to my fandoms and my friends. When I first read the title, the fandoms that I was in popped up in my head. When Smith references “Doctor Who”, which is one of my favorite shows, I was overjoyed. I felt as if she was my friend and she knew what emotions I felt after the newest episode. Kasey says, “Getting attached to any kind of entertainment, fictional or otherwise, can be risky business.” Her sarcastic and witty humor made me laugh as I read along. Kasey quotes Naomi Kemp, a fellow fangirl. She says, “I have no more money.” I laughed out loud at that one, probably because I know my wallet would agree.
This article definitely showed me what role I play in the fandom and how it feels like to look into a fandom. Kasey’s article has shown me why my mother rolls her eyes when I beg for the new 5SOS album. Her piece captures the true essence of a fanatic.

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