Feedback on "Mattress" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Mattress"

March 26, 2015
By _hannah_ SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
_hannah_ SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.”
― Gloria Steinem

The best thing about Teen Ink is that it acknowledges events that others might not know about like Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The poem "Mattress" by Sophie Consorti stood out from the rest, as it was about a recent news story about Emma Sulkowicz, a college student who was known for carrying her mattress around campus to object her university's decision to not punish her rapist..
     Consorti poetically described Emma's experience of dragging her mattress around. She wrote, "The weight of her mattress is heavy, but so is her heart, and that's heavier than any mattress." That one line summarized the pain Emma felt. Consorti also compared Emma's soul to shattered bits, stating how they can't be glued together until justice is served. Until then, her rapist keeps a piece, which the author described as "a stolen treasure" and "a precious jewel". Those lines, although short, conveyed a powerful message to the readers. Bringing awareness to important issues through writing and art is the best way to grab a reader's attention and Consorti did a marvelous job at doing so.

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