"English Teachers" | Teen Ink

"English Teachers"

March 24, 2015
By phils.world GOLD, Staten Island, New York
phils.world GOLD, Staten Island, New York
15 articles 0 photos 3 comments

     The poem "English Teachers" by Kenzie Brown was a combination of simplicity, humor and the unspoken truth all in one. I can definitely hear what the poet is trying to tell, and in only a few lines. Unlike other poems out there that involve dark secrets and nature, this one takes on an everyday topic, and turns it into nothing short of a work of art.
      Figurative language is used to personify the words that the English teachers try to dissect and separate. Kenzie did a nice job by taking a topic no one really thinks about, and turning it into a bundle of humor. Nonetheless, the poem contains many relatable ideas, such as "the way they strap words/ on paper/ and try to torture a confession/ out of them." We all had those English teachers who overthink certain words, and isolate unneeded phrases. I have to give a round of applause to Kenzie!

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