Feedback on "Changing School Start Times" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Changing School Start Times"

March 5, 2015
By LargeLlama SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
LargeLlama SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In “Changing School Start Times,” Julia Osterhouse wonderfully combines fact and opinion to make her case regarding how early school start times are. Each paragraph contains information that, when put together, makes it very clear that teenagers need more time to sleep.
In her first few paragraphs, Julia brings up various details that prove that not only do teenagers need more sleep, but also that they are being deprived of it. Additionally, the statistics regarding how many students participate in programs after or outside of school are tremendous, and adding quote from an expert gives Julia’s argument even more ground to support it. By mentioning how fatigue is directly related to car crashes and accidents, she proves that the consequences of early start times are much more than just academic. All of these points combined really make her last line have so much meaning because any student can relate to it: “ ‘Cause we’re, like, so tired.”

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