Agender Angst | Teen Ink

Agender Angst

March 4, 2015
By nightskylar BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
nightskylar BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wholeheartedly agree with Phoenix Q. in her article Anger Angst. She says, "to most of the world, I and other non-binary people are invisible". I definanly agree that statement is sadly true. People just really dont know of them ,or just dont want to acknowledge that they are definanly there. In my own opinion I believe that if agenders came out, not being ashamed or scared, to the world that it would solve the problem of no one being aware of them. It would also resolve them having that horrible feeling of being "invisible". Thank you Phoenix Quinn for being brave and coming out as you are. Somewhere out there someone feels less alone, along with being happy that you understand.

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