Feedback on "The Mistake of My Father" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "The Mistake of My Father"

March 3, 2015
By Impurial SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Impurial SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     I have never read an article that made me think that someone was writing about my life. Maybe not everything, but there's so much to relate to that it completely overlooks the differences. "The Mistakes of My Father" by "Amber" was truly relatable for me. This writer spoke about having a racist, homophobic and classist family, despite being part of the minority. She spoke of being beaten by her father just because she admired the starring black basketball player Carmelo Anthony. This only fueled her rage as she began to realize that her father was discriminating people based on his past experiences and that repulses her.

     Being an Asian with a family that upholds the near-identical values of "Amber's," I know how it feels to be scolded and screamed at by my family members that it's not okay to admire or befriend a certain kind of person because of their race or class. Like her father, sometimes people can't contain themselves and they let their hands do the talking. "Racism repulses me and always will." With all my heart I do agree and I too don't understand why the color of someone's skin immediately define who they are.

     It pains me to hear that racism goes as far as abuse, but it brings relief that there are others who feel and share their thoughts about this way too.

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