The Past | Teen Ink

The Past

February 15, 2015
By Anonymous

I can relate and agree to this selection.  Many people wish to change their past and are maybe even disappointed by their past.  It would make sense to study their past and learn from their mistakes.  As everyone knows, humans like to tell our selves that the situation we were in was different than the one we are in now.  When really it is very similar and we make the same mistakes. This seems to happen to many people and I think that we should take more time to learn from our mistakes.

The author's comments:

The story states that the past can’t be changed, which is very true. It says that we don’t use the past as a lesson because we tell our selves that it is different than the situation we are in now.  Somehow, to our amazement we make the same mistakes and again wish to change the past.

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