Middle School Crush | Teen Ink

Middle School Crush

February 6, 2015
By mirflo SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
mirflo SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The article Middle School Crush by Abigail W. was well written. I can agree and disagree with what Abigail stated in the article. I like and agree with the statement “After obsessing over your crush for months, you feel like maybe, just maybe, he might like you too.” And then when she goes on to say “Wrong. So very wrong. Your heart has been crushed into a million pieces. He doesn’t like you.” I can relate to it I liked this guy and I thought maybe he liked me. I mean he talked to me and was kind of flirting with me, and then found out he liked someone else and was flirting with not just me but other girls too! I disagree with the statement “Having a crush feel like Valentine’s Day has thrown up all over you.” I feel that having a crush is not a bad thing. It’s someone of the opposite gender that you could possible talk to and get to know besides always talking to your friends of the same gender all the time. Maybe if you get to talking more and more to the person your relationship could grow and become a girlfriend and boyfriend relationship!

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