Feedback on "Letting Go" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Letting Go"

January 27, 2015
By GOLD, Staten Island, New York GOLD, Staten Island, New York
15 articles 0 photos 3 comments

         “You are a dot against cumulonimbus clouds.” That was the very last line of the poem, but its legacy still echoes between the walls. “Letting Go” by Ellen Zhang was full of figurative language, alliteration, comparisons, and other techniques that make it beautiful. This poem stood out from the rest of the page, and is perhaps one of the best poems i read in a long time.
          The central idea of the poem is how one person is depressed about letting go of another. The poet left certain details solely for the reader to decide, such as who loved who, and why did they leave each other. But she still showed the sadness through the writing. Ellen continues to amaze me by repeating words like balloons to emphasize the point; by comparing different objects beautifully; and by bringing up relatable phrasings. Overall, I  have to thank the poet for a piece like this one. The idea the poem injected into me is one I won’t let go.

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