Support After Sexual Assault | Teen Ink

Support After Sexual Assault

December 7, 2014
By Logan Tijerina GOLD, Defiance, Ohio
Logan Tijerina GOLD, Defiance, Ohio
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I think “Support After Sexual Assault” by Alex H. is an extremely eye-awakening article that every teen should read. More and more teens are becoming victims like Joanne, and society has not made it easy to deal with.  Because we get so involved in our own lives, we forget that what isn’t happening to us is happening to other people just like us, and it is not something to turn a blind eye to.  I think it’s great Joanne shared her story so people can know they are not alone and know it is not their fault.  To an onlooker, there is usually no grey between whose fault rape is, but to a victim they may feel like they have no one to blame but themselves.  As Joanne says, “You shouldn’t blame yourself when you had no control over the other person.  They had control over you, but they don’t have control over you anymore”.  Teens need to know they are not alone and Joanne’s brave actions have made a positive impact to not only her life, but other teens who read this article.  Even though I have not had an experience like this, I have learn to be more aware of how to prevent these situations and understand how to relate and help victims like Joanne.  Great article!

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