A Blended Family | Teen Ink

A Blended Family

December 5, 2014
By mirflo SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
mirflo SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I found Isabella’s story “A Blended- Family Christmas” relatable to my family. I have been in a blended family for 2 years. My blended family is a little different then Isabella’s. I don’t have a mother and father that got a divorce, but rather no mother. My mom died when I was in 5th grade. I can and can’t relate to Isabella’s blended family. One example how I can relate would be the first Christmas my step-mom really didn’t know me, so I did really like the stuff she got me. So I can agree when you say, “…I will not in a million years use the set of pink lipsticks they gave me.” And then go on to say, “Everyone experiences this, I realize.  Nobody likes every present they receive…” One thing I can not agree with is when she says “..and which parent will ask if we preferred their time.” Finally one thing I can kind of agree with is when Isabella states, “ Because of this fight, Christmas is stripped of the warm feelings of old and is left bare.” I can agree because the first Christmas with my mom not being there it just felt weird. I can also disagree because like I said earlier my parents can’t fight because one is not there. Overall Isabella I can agree with some of the things you have written about. My heart goes out to you, and I hope things get better.

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