Feedback on "Freckles" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Freckles"

November 12, 2014
By LargeLlama SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
LargeLlama SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

“Freckles” by Gabrielle Vachon is a poem that is entertaining to read, but also has a deeper meaning. She includes great sensory details and makes use of every word, showing off that it’s a very polished piece. I really get to see and feel like the narrator does, and Gabrielle shows a mastery of writing with every line. However, the lines have even more value to them because of the deeper message they carry.
?The poem is about how the narrator doesn’t understand why his friend doesn’t like her freckles, and he is unable to understand why she would think so. The story is told beautifully, and lines like, “I don’t understand the toxic chemicals with which she scrubs her face” not only gives me an great image, but also shows me how far his friend would go to get rid of what she believes are blemishes. Gabrielle also uses great techniques, like emphasizing important points and using figurative language wisely, which is shown when she wrote, “I don’t understand why she stares down her reflection, blaming a mirror that will never tell her what she wants to hear.” The phrase “I don’t understand” is repeated multiple times, and how the mirror is personified is amazing as well. All of these great aspects of the poem show how people constantly look at themselves negatively and want to conform to what is considered the norm. Gabrielle is trying to tell society to stop that type of thinking, and instead of saying “I’m different,” people should be saying “I’m unique.” She also shows that there is always someone who finds you beautiful, just like how the girl’s friend is in love, and even jealous, of her freckles. Now, after reading the poem, I understand how many people will do anything to try and be “normal,” when all it takes to make them happy is for someone to show them their beauty.

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