The Apathetic Galaxy | Teen Ink

The Apathetic Galaxy

June 15, 2014
By Katherine Furman SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Katherine Furman SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"The Apathetic Galaxy" is a well-written fictional piece that touched me deeply. The narrator is a teenage girl named Violet who during a Fourth of July celebration meets a boy, Martin, by offering him a ride home seeing that he was drunk. This first meeting then slowly turns into a friendship where they help each other appreciate new things around them. They meet at a place known as The Lookout where they gaze up at the stars and confide in each other. But their friendship only lasts a year when Martin slowly grows apart from her. He was struggling with his academic and gives up, eventually running away and leaving everything behind.

I felt like I knew these characters from their conversations and the narrator's thought. IT was as if I was right along with them as they had their midnight talks under the stars. When Violet returned to The Lookout a year after she met Martin I was hoping he would be there, hoping that he realized his mistakes and cared enough about Violet to return. This story teaches teenagers that running away from their problems and giving up when times are hard aren't the best answer. This piece also has a strong reference to the stars and the world around us. It ties the story together and makes it so touching and unique.

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