The First Time | Teen Ink

The First Time MAG

May 12, 2014
By Amanda Flores BRONZE, New York, New York
Amanda Flores BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“The First Time” by “Kim” is a wonderfully written memoir that describes an ­impatient person similar to me. This is the story of a girl who is overeager to experience her first kiss, which creates a spiral of negative events in her life. She is so impatient for her first boyfriend and kiss that she ultimately makes the decision to give her entire self to her first boyfriend. However, when they finally have their first kiss, it is rather disgusting and he ruins the moment by saying “Your mouth is really wet.”

This article feels very relatable for lots of teens who rush to accomplish milestones without striving to make these “firsts” the best experiences possible. “Kim” perceptively writes, “Life is full of firsts, but you only have one chance to make them special,” which is such a valid point. If you’re going to do something important for the first time – something that you will remember your whole life – then you should take the time to make it worthwhile.

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