The Pact | Teen Ink

The Pact MAG

By Anonymous

“The Pact” by “Janet” perfectly depicts the temptations teens feel to give in to peer pressure. We live in a world where this pressure plays a role in our decisions, and we sometimes go too far just to look good.

This article is right about the pressure we girls feel during our teen years. And since it ­addresses it in a relaxed way, we can relate without feeling awkward. It shows that there’s nothing wrong with being ourselves. Our decisions are what make us unique. Thanks, Teen Ink, for reminding us to be who we want to be.

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This article has 1 comment.

KarenPease said...
on Dec. 3 2008 at 6:13 pm
I have a teenage daughter, and yes... I was a teenage girl myself, a long time ago! Peer pressure is a "given" during the adolescent and teen years, and can cause a young person to act and react in ways that aren't appropriate. Wouldn't it be great if peer pressure was turned into a positive thing? If actions like bullying were "uncool" and being kind and tolerant became the "cool" way to be? I have faith in your generation, and I think we're going to see that happen. Thank you for your frank discussions, and keep up the good work. Karen Bessey Pease, author of juvenile fiction, Grumble Bluff.