225,000,000 | Teen Ink


February 11, 2014
By ThomasS. BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
ThomasS. BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

225,000,000 by Rachel Bird is an audacious paper that succeeded in making me think about the world differently. In 225,000,000 Rachel explains how people are so worried about what others think about them, but that to the world they mean nothing the world doesn't care "if your fat or skinny, black or white, it doesn't matter how many people you date or how many people you kiss" because " In 500 years no one will remember you" it takes the solar system 225,000,000 years for the solar system to go around the milky way. To the earth I may not matter but to the inhabitants of the world I do mean something to the world and to an individual I mean the world. Thank you Rachel for helping me realize that I need to stop basing my life on what people think about me and how that "To an individual you may mean the world."

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