A Letter to Alcohol | Teen Ink

A Letter to Alcohol

February 11, 2014
By Anonymous

I really connected with "Cathy's" article "A Letter to Alcohol" because it shows, as she puts it, "all the pain that you've (alcohol)caused" and gives first hand information to readers about the true darkness of alcohol. I too am possibly the last of my friends to still not have dared to drink any of the it. Yes it is tempting, but I always look back at the time I had to aid my two piss drunk friends, and think, I don't want to feel like that, ever. Luckily it was in he confines of one of their house and the only casualties were two broken shot glasses and half a bottle of vodka. Anyways I was truly moved to see that there are others not willing to dwell into the darkness and for that, I thank you.

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