Screw "What If" | Teen Ink

Screw "What If"

December 18, 2013
By aMegido BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
aMegido BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I agree with Josie Luetke in her article about what ifs in today's society. Nowadays, all you hear is people talking about doing something but not end up doing it. "What if we wouldn't shoot?" Many people are for the gun ban yet they are not willing to do something about it. A lot of people are lazy, I know I am. Laziness does not accomplish anything. If we stopped with "what ifs," I bet people would be happier; wanting to do something and doing it instead of regretting it later in life. This pertains to so many people wanting to break the barriers but don't know how. Thank you Josie, for this article. I never really realized how much I was holding myself back, thank you.

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