Feedback - "I'm Sorry, Eric" | Teen Ink

Feedback - "I'm Sorry, Eric"

October 17, 2013
By matthew.fine8 GOLD, Staten Island, New York
matthew.fine8 GOLD, Staten Island, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was extremely taken aback by “I’m Sorry, Eric” by Avi Lurie. It really spoke to me how much the issue of bullying is changing in this society. The author describes how his best friend, Eric, who was like a brother to him, moved away and was bullied. The same year that Avi visited him, Eric was found dead in his house next to a note.

I was touched, as I always am by bullying/suicide stories. But this was different. Avi included the last few sentences of Eric’s suicide note, in which he wrote about him. The part that really got me was when Eric said that he’s not dead, only at rest, and that he will see Avi in heaven. I felt sad, angry, and frustrated. Eric did absolutely nothing to deserve this. He resorted to suicide because he was forlorn, losing all physical and mental battles.

As Avi says, “You never know what someone is going through behind those seemingly real smiles, and you never know how much a single word or phrase can mean. I wish that boy who caused Eric to take his life knew that.” It is bewildering to me how ignorant people can be. How can they not realize what their stupid actions can lead to? After all of these suicide stories in the news, all of the bullying assemblies in school, how are these naïve kids so oblivious to their potential consequences?

Although I certainly feel bad for Eric, as any person with a heart does, I disagree with his decision to commit suicide. I understand that he wanted to relieve himself of his misery, but, frankly, suicide should never be the answer. He could’ve gotten help – adults are always there. Avi never mentions any attempt for help on Eric’s part. If Eric would’ve just asked anyone, even Avi, he might still be alive today.

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