It's Not Funny | Teen Ink

It's Not Funny

March 12, 2013
By ElenaP SILVER, Phx, Arizona
ElenaP SILVER, Phx, Arizona
8 articles 2 photos 0 comments

A big round of applause for “Amy” for her article “It’s Not Funny.” I agree with her about teens casually using the word “rape” like if it was an everyday thing. People around me use that word like if it did not mean something horrible. I understand how it feels to walk around everyday hearing people say that word and wanting to tell them not to use it because that they don’t understand the real meaning of the word, the pain, and the shame the one has to carry around forever. It angers and hurts me to know that people know that young girls and boys are raped and they think it is funny. “How can you joke when nearly a quarter of women are sexually assaulted at some point in their lives?” I ask my friends that in so many ways, hoping that they will understand that telling someone “I hope you get raped,” or “That guy is going to rape you,” is not funny in anyway. Wishing someone gets raped, even in a joking way is not amusing. Props to “Amy” for standing up for what she believes in. Thank you for your wonderful story and for telling teens out there your pain and disappointment in them for thinking it was clever for using the word out of content.

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