Small Words | Teen Ink

Small Words

March 8, 2013
By BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I read Will's poem "Small Words," I can understand what he was trying to point out. Small words like jealousy, as he described, can become the best of anyone. I agree with Will on that. People can get destroyed by that feeling. Also, he is completely right about the assumption of small words having short meanings, but obviously jealousy does not. Reading his poem reminds me of when I got jealous over a guy. Those memories were silly, yet awful at the same time. When Will mentioned in his poem, "But I guess that those moved jealousy are the smallest of us all," he was explaining how it can and will happen to everyone. Jealousy gets the best of all of us sometimes and there is nothing we can do about it, but just laugh about it. Will Tarry, Thank You for writing an relatable poem.

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