A Miracle | Teen Ink

A Miracle

March 8, 2013
By KirstyB BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
KirstyB BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate to Sanya when she wrote about worrying about her mother in "A Miracle." My mother was very ill and I was constantly worrying about her and her health. She passed away ten months ago, and I still carry the pain with me every single day. She was an amazing mom and woman and did everything she could for me. I wish that a miracle could have saved her, but unfortunately, I was not as lucky as Sanya. I will always miss her but all I can do is live for her and cherish the time I did have with her. Thank you, Sanya for writing such an exquisite article and revoking pleasant feelings of my mother.

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