It's Not Funny | Teen Ink

It's Not Funny

March 8, 2013
By DanielaRosas BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
DanielaRosas BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A piece from the March issue of Teen Ink that really touched up on a big issue America faces is the article, "It's Not Funny," by Amy in California. Amy successfully illustrates how the word "rape" is overlooked and and frequently used by high school students. Jokes about sexual assault can often be overheard during lunch or in the school hallways. Like Amy said, "44 percent of those assaults are against people under the age of 18." As teenagers, it is our job to stop the use of sexual assault related jokes in order to emphasize the true meaning of the word "rape". It is a horrific crime that can radically ruin a person's life and in my opinion is not appropriate to joke about whatsoever. If we as teens cannot respect those who have gone through this type of assault, then what does that say about how we respect ourselves? I believe that we must take a stand like Amy, and stop sexual assault jokes once and for all. Thank you so much, Amy for bringing light upon this sensitive but serious topic and opening the eyes of many individuals.

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