We Need to Talk | Teen Ink

We Need to Talk

March 9, 2012
By Elizabeth Breden BRONZE, Chandler, Arizona
Elizabeth Breden BRONZE, Chandler, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As soon as I flipped the page and happened upon Joe Liccion's article "We Need to Talk," I started reading it, but the first few sentences made me restart. It may have been that my bias and experience with a shout coming from "down the hall" and cringing overcame me. It isn't like his article is something I want to write about just because of an assignment that obligates me to answer. No, I put in my two cents because I am beyond moved. I empathize with the author when it comes to wanting to get away from all the fighting and using music as an outlet; it blows off steam. It was interesting to realize that I am not the only one whose thoughts and feelings can run with the rhythm of a song. It doesn't even have to be the words transferred to the inside of your ears that does it. Joe wrote his experience in one of the best ways I feel could have been done when I speak of his actions. Not everyone has that opportunity to just walk out of the house, but he was able to calm down without encouraging the flame in his parents' bedroom, and once he was ready to come back, he decided to say the words he had been wanting to start with for a while: "We need to talk." I, myself, have had trouble trying to control myself in situations like this because the stress of a school day is already enough before I walk into a verbal or physical argument. Unfortunately, I feel powerless when I might become a weapon for one person's side. One thing I am sure of is that there are some people who don't have anybody, some have people, and others don't even realize there are trustworthy people to turn to. Life is hard, and there are safe ways to combat life. Family problems suck but that doesn't mean they should control your life. Try to do what Joe did if someone ever has this experience: find an outlet like music or say what needs to be said when the time is right.

The author's comments:
Experience inspired me.

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