the wolf.shhh.the snow | Teen Ink

the wolf.shhh.the snow

March 27, 2012
By abverk BRONZE, Granville, Illinois
abverk BRONZE, Granville, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" If you won't do it then i will!"

" The wolf. Shhh. The snow", by Kenna Mckee, Hale, MO, is an amazing poem.

I absolutely love wolves and magical creatures. This poem also seems to have a deeper meaning to it. At first, i thought maybe they were talking about a stalker, but then it turns out a little different.

Now, i see a dog following a person home and hoping that he will be accepted and loved for all that he has loved. I would really love to know what the writers inspiration was for this poem. The march issue of Teen Ink was, for me, the best yet!

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on Jan. 31 2013 at 1:27 am
Ariel_Greyse PLATINUM, Hale, Missouri
32 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If at first you do not succeed...skydiving is not for you."

Hi there! It's me, Kenna McKee, the author (under a penname these days).

"The Wolf. Shhh. The Snow." was written about, sort of like you said, following someone home like a stray dog. When I wrote it, my inspiration was someone who was more of a "lone wolf", a solitary person, who found someone and clung to them.

The first stanza, watching someone through the snow and knowing that you know them, is seeing someone through a veil, be it other people, a situation, or something like that, and feeling like they're like you: a kindred spirit.

Then, following them home like a dog is the part where you're desperate for love, and them "seeing you" is feeling that they are capable of understanding you, that they're like you. You want them to take you in...

...but then comes the final part. "Forgive me if I, more than ever, love like a wolf." A lone wolf, is what I meant there. Forgive me if I watch you, if I consider what it would be like to be with you, to talk to you, to love you, and to make you fall in love with me, and yet I'll never "take you". I'll never actually talk to you, because wolves are not animals to be cuddled like dogs: they're vicious and wild, and they can hurt people.

So then you leave and disappear into the snow.