Lessons in Toilet Paper | Teen Ink

Lessons in Toilet Paper

November 3, 2011
By Gmoney12 SILVER, Monticello, Illinois
Gmoney12 SILVER, Monticello, Illinois
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Lessons in Toilet Paper” by Jackson L was an inspiring nonfiction article about some kids on Halloween that toilet papered this house. Those kids knew who lived in the house. While picking up the toilet paper, the people all got a cold. The kids felt bad and only toilet paper houses that they don’t know who live there. This article is in the October issue. It tells what he does to the house and what his feeling are about doing what he did.

This article is an awesome read for a teen that is wild and crazy. This can be an adventure for a real life situation and it gives you great tips. One of the tips is “If you’re going to do it, do it big.” That tip is good not just for toilet papering; it’s also for people all over the world. This article kind of reminds me of a fable because it has a lesson at the end of the story. The lesson is, only toilet paper the houses of people you don’t know. This is why because if you do somebody that you don’t know, then you won’t know if they get sick or are sad. Every kid as a teen should go out on Halloween and decorate people’s houses. I hope you teen ink keeps receiving these amazing real life articles that teen love to read.

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