Its Not My Fault | Teen Ink

Its Not My Fault

September 27, 2011
By Mason Jeffers BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
Mason Jeffers BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“It’s not your fault” by Sandra R. is a great piece. It’s a topic everyone knows about through the T.V. or their own experiences about sexual harassment. Everyone thinks sexual harassment only happens to girls because of what they are wearing. They are wrong. It happens to guys too but they are not reported as often . It’s not just what the girl is wearing , it’s the attacker’s fault not the victim’s. In this piece when the attacker grabs her she was wearing baggy sweat pants and a big sweat shirt. She was being followed by this man for weeks. She finally told someone and the attacker got arrested.

I have seen things like this on the news and it really makes me sick to my stomach. I wish people would not do this. Some people get killed or kidnapped from this. This has not happened to me, but if it does, I am going to tell some one just like Sandra did.

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