The Lies We Tell | Teen Ink

The Lies We Tell

January 20, 2011
By wowow BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
wowow BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate to Crystal Larsen's article "The Lies We Tell" when she talks about how people wait too long to start living. As she starts off by describing how people lie ever since we are born and as we grow up, Crystal Larsen creates a truthful statement. I think it is true. Parents usually tell their children the bright side of the story, hoping that they will never get to discover the dark side. But what happens when the children escape childhood and enter adulthood? They are not prepared for reality. They do not know how to face the darkness of reality, yet they confront it, and by the time they are able to understand the world, it is too late. People should teach their children that the world seems right, but that there are wrong things happening, so they can live their lives at the moment and be aware of their surroundings, for no one knows what tomorrow will bring.

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