I Kissed the Boy Who Hit Me | Teen Ink

I Kissed the Boy Who Hit Me

March 22, 2010
By benjamin_5 BRONZE, West Tsbury, Massachusetts
benjamin_5 BRONZE, West Tsbury, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I Kissed the Boy Who Hit Me

Brianna Weidman’s story called “I Kissed the Boy Who Hit Me”, is a very gut-wrenching story. I can’t believe that you still fell for him after he smacked you. Your are also brave for even responding to him after that incident. I admire you for your bravery in that situation. This kind of thing has never happened to me, coming from a boy’s point of view, but Aaron was way out of line for hitting you. You said your cheek had a heartbeat of its own. That’s crazy because the throbbing intensity of that is insane. That happened to me once when I was ridding my bike on a bike path and swerved and slid on my back. I had scales on my back for the next month because of the bleeding. I felt like a dragon. A very injured one. Your pride and love for that boy stayed with you why? He inferred something that wasn’t even close to being true, and then he hits you beyond any good reasoning and then says “sorry, that will never happen again.” To me you should have ended that relationship because if someone has the audacity to walk on you like that and say sorry to fix it, that's telling you about what may happen in the future.

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