Live Strong | Teen Ink

Live Strong MAG

By Anonymous

     What Tracy F. said in her article really got me thinking. I am also a supporter of “yellow” because the Livestrong bracelets are for an awesome cause. What annoys me, though, is that other companies have come out with their own version (just to make a profit).

When I saw an ad for a multicolored “livestrong” bracelet that says peace on it, or for a silver one that says “I am strong,” I thought nobody would buy them because they crush the meaning of the original bracelets. I was wrong. Soon I saw many people wearing the fake “livestrongs.” I couldn’t believe it.

Were people going to give up the cancer-fighting bracelet for one that was more fashionable? Had people only bought the yellow bracelets because everyone else had one? You have to decide if you support fighting cancer or support fashion.

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