When I Grow Up | Teen Ink

When I Grow Up MAG

May 22, 2009
By Dennis John BRONZE, Thornwood, New York
Dennis John BRONZE, Thornwood, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As a junior starting to look at colleges and consider what I want to do with my life, I can relate to Sara D.'s article “When I Grow Up.” Her descriptions of kindergarten made me nostalgic for a time when the ­question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” had a simple answer. As a child, we ­responded with a job that made us happy. Now we are expected to consider many ­factors and be confident in our answer. I ­usually say, “I don't know yet.”

Realism has replaced idealism. Our dreams must be realistic. But how can I predict now what will make me happy in the future?

Sara's article reminded me that regardless of what I choose do with my life, I will always want to be happy. My new answer to that ever-present question will now be one I am certain of: “Happy.” Thanks, Sara!

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